Saturday, there is a small chance of a trace of snow, but you can always prepare.
As many of you follow us by email blast, social media (Facebook & Twitter), or our website, we communicate changes in the schedule the best we can.
First, we follow the Highline School District’s policies on weather. We will track the same process if there is a late start or closure due to weather. Updates are made at the following times:
- Morning/Daytime Classes (Open until 1 pm) – Updates made around 8 am
- Evening Classes (4 pm -Close) – Updates made around 3 pm
- Teams, Groups, and Rentals (All-Day) – Please get in touch with your team representative
Second, for Saturday swim lessons, we will send out an email update and use our registration system to send out emails through the registration system. Please note that these are separate systems so that you will receive two emails.
Third, besides the email notification system and social media (Facebook/Twitter), we will post changes to our schedule page and our website’s news blog. We update this anytime there is an emergency closure.
Fourth, weather conditions change throughout the day. In that case, we may elect to cancel evening programming and close early for the safety of our patrons and staff. If Highline School District cancels evening activities, we will follow their lead. If weather conditions worsen throughout the evening, we may elect to close early. In these situations, please call us at 206.824.4722 before traveling to the pool.
Fifth, you may ask why am I seeing this email. Weather forecasting is incredible, but it is not an exact science. The weather forecast over the next ten days has the chance to change to snow. We want to make sure people that follow our notifications are aware of the process and when to expect updates. For more information on weather forecast accuracy, please click here to checkout the article that a Google Search recommended.
Finally, we are constantly striving to improve these processes. If you have any feedback, please email us at info@mtrainierpool.com.
Click here to view the rest of this message sent out on Thursday, January 11 as an email notification.