Effective Saturday, February 1, all youth will be able to swim for FREE at the Mount Rainier Pool. This is thanks to a King County Parks, Get Active, Stay Active Grant of $10,000 for free youth (ages 0-18) daily admissions, and was allocated by former County Council Member, Dave Upthegrove.
Free daily entry for youth will be now through summer, or until the $10,000 is fully utilized. *The daily entry is open to all youth including non-residents, and includes access to family and open swims, lap swims, water walking, special events and water exercise. The grant does not include access to swim lessons, swim teams, PTSA swims or private rentals.
Youth are defined as anyone 0-18 years old. Personal identification may be required for anyone 15 and older. (Note-if you have a current Family Pass, the district will accommodate you, please email info@mtrainierpool.com for more information.)
SPECIAL NOTE: The free swimming is provided by a grant from King County Parks. For grant tracking, users will be required to provide their address, phone, and other account details for proof of usage. If a customer does not wish to share this information, they can elect to still pay daily entry fees.
Adults will still need to pay daily entry fees. Click here to view our fees/rates page.
Click here to view our schedule page.