Good news! The Mount Rainier Pool will not close for the last two weeks of June,  but will maintain its current schedule with a few minor modifications from June 18 – July 1. We will have a few small closures around maintenance, cleaning, staff training and registration during these two weeks. Our goal is to maximize our staff training during these two weeks, and complete cleaning and maintenance to improve your experience.


We will also have the entire pool closed on Friday, June 22 from 2-7pm and Saturday, June 23, all-day. Both days will be closed to have our entire staff dedicated to swim lesson registration. This year we estimate having the largest number of swim lesson participants we have had and want to ensure a smooth process. Click here to visit our swim lesson page.


The shallow end will be closed Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am-1pm for swim instructor trainings for these two weeks (June 20, 22, 27 and 29). We will be offering a swim lesson instructor training. 


Our goal is to maximize this time to train staff to increase our capacity for not only operational hours, but also swim lessons. We will be hosting a lifeguard training, swim instructor training and new staff orientations. We also hope these trainings will not only make the pool more safe, but help us improve the quality of our programs.

Free Trainings

If you are interested in getting your child signed up for these trainings, contact us. We will be offering a separate swim instructor and lifeguard certification courses. Both certifications are free with a commitment to work at the Mount Rainier Pool. Please call us at 206.824.4722 or email for more information.


We are still awaiting an estimate on one time-sensitive project that may require a closure later in the summer. Our goal is to work the project into a time that will least affect your usage.

Also, we know you enjoy not only the clean water, but also good air quality and clean restrooms. We will be working to clean all three including high dusting, cleaning showers, locker rooms and decks. 

Click here to see the rest of the email notification.


August 4th Schedule Update: Click here for more information.