
The District is governed by a five-member board of commissioners elected by all qualified voters residing within the District boundaries. Each term of office is six years and the terms are staggered with one or two positions up for election every two years. The commissioners, as representatives of the community, set policy, determine the direction of The District and ensure that public funds are spent in a responsible manner.

Des Moines Pool Metropolitan Park District is a municipal corporation with all the authorized powers provided in chapter 35.61 RCW. The District’s primary role is to provide for a safe and pleasant indoor aquatic facility, the Mt. Rainier Pool, located at 22722 19th Ave, Des Moines WA 98198. The District has been granted the authority to levy an annual tax on all taxable property within the District’s geographical boundaries which coincide with the city limits of the City of Des Moines. The District’s current 2024 tax rate is under $.20 per $1,000 assessed valuation. The District also has the authority to contract indebtedness, issue general obligation bonds or revenue bonds and to exercise the right of eminent domain. The District ensures public funds are spent in a responsible manner for the safe and legal operation of the Mt. Rainier Pool facility.

Board of Commissioners

Position 1

Joe Dusenbury

Clerk of the Board

Term Expires: 12-31-2027
Committees: Capital & Contracts
Phone: 206-429-3852
Email: Click here to email.

Position 4

Holly Campbell


Term Expires
: 12-31-2025
Committees: Finance and Policy & Procedure
Phone: 509-903-5075
Email: Click here to email.

Position 2

Shane Stender


Term Expires
: 12-31-2027
Committees: Public Outreach
Phone: 206-714-1431
Email: Click here to email.

  Position 5

  Patrice Thorell


Term Expires: 12-01-2025
Committees: Capital & Contracts and Public Outreach
Phone: 206-366-5665
Email: Click here to email.

Position 3

Shane Young


Term Expires
: 12-31-2025
Committees: Finance and Policy & Procedure
Phone: 206-429-3852
Email: Click here to email.


District Offices
The Administrative Offices of the Des Moines Pool Metropolitan Park District is located at 22015 Marine View Drive S., Suite 2B, Des Moines, WA 98198.

Phone: 206.429.3852 (Not a Pool Number)
Map/Directions: Click here for directions.

District Information

Click here for more information on the Des Moines Pool Metropolitan Park District.

District Facts

  • Geographic Size of District: 6.34 square miles
  • Population of District: 32,348
  • Age Profile (Median Age): 39
  • Income Profile (Median Income): $70,222
  • Racial Diversity Profile: Caucasian 55.9%, Hispanic 19.9%, Asian 11.6%, Black 7.4%, 2+ Races 9.0%, Native American 0.5%, Other 3.0%

Public Records Requests

Des Moines Pool Metropolitan Park District makes available for inspection and copying nonexempt “public records” in accordance with published rules (Public Records Disclosure). The District Clerk is the designated Records Officer for the District. It is the role of this office to assure the District is in compliance with the Public Records Act.  The District provides access to public records under the provisions of the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56).

Many public records are currently available on the District’s website at no cost. Please see the following for a listing of commonly accessed documents available on our website.

  • Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes
  • Board Resolutions
  • District Policies and Procedures
  • State Audits
  • Financial Reports

To request public records which are not posted on our web site, please complete the Public Records Request Form which can then be e-mailed or faxed to us, or dropped off at our office. Our District office is located at:

Click here to download a Public Records Request form.. If copies of the requested records is requested a charge of $0.15 per page shall be charged. An electronic copy can be given for $1.00 for the cost of a CD/ROM disk.

Some public records are exempt from disclosure, in whole or in part. If the District believes that a record is exempt from disclosure and should be withheld, the public records officer will state the specific exemption and provide a brief explanation of why the record or a portion of the record is being withheld. Questions or comments concerning public records requests should be directed to the District Clerk, Linda Ray, by emailing or by calling her at (206) 429-3852.

District Offices (Des Moines Pool Metropolitan Park District)

22015 Marine View Drive S., Suite 2B
Des Moines, WA 98382

Office Hours: Vary, Please make an appointment.

Phone: (206) 429-3852


District Staff

Scott Deschenes

District General Manager

Phone: 206-429-3852

Angela Melum

Front Desk Specialist/District Clerk

Phone: 206-429-3852

Board Meetings

The Des Moines Pool Metropolitan Park District meets regularly on the Fourth Tuesday* of each month starting at 7:00pm. As of November 1, 2022, meetings are being held remotely using Zoom and in-person at the Des Moines Pool MPD District Offices (22015 Marine View Dr. #2B, Des Moines)*.  Any questions or comments should be directed to Scott Deschenes, District General Manager at (206) 429-3852 or by email at  Remote public comments will be due by email to by noon of the day of each meeting, or can be made in-person at the start of each meeting. This is due to the hybrid format of the meetings. Special meetings and retreats may be added to the calendar below to ensure efficient use of district resources. All postings of additional meetings will be made in accordance to OPMA guidance. *At the January 17, 2023 board meeting, the board voted to move meetings to the District Offices and to the fourth Tuesday with the exception of November and December, which will be held on the second Tuesday.



01/23/24 REGULAR MEETING Agenda Minutes
02/20/24 SPECIAL MEETING Agenda Minutes
02/27/24 REGULAR MEETING Agenda Minutes
03/19/24 SPECIAL MEETING Agenda Minutes
03/26/24 REGULAR MEETING Agenda Minutes
04/18/24 SPECIAL MEETING Agenda Minutes
04/23/24 REGULAR MEETING Agenda Minutes
05/28/24 REGULAR MEETING Agenda Minutes
06/18/24* SPECIAL MEETING Agenda Minutes
06/25/24 REGULAR MEETING Agenda Minutes
07/20/24 SPECIAL EVENT Notice No Minutes
07/23/24 REGULAR MEETING Agenda Minutes
08/12/24 SPECIAL MEETING Agenda Minutes
08/27/24 REGULAR MEETING Agenda Minutes
09/17/24 SPECIAL MEETING Agenda Minutes
09/24/24 REGULAR MEETING Agenda Minutes
10/22/24 REGULAR MEETING Agenda Minutes
12/10/24 REGULAR MEETING Agenda Minutes

January 23 ,2024 regular meeting (first of year), the board may elect to update the schedule. Any changes will be updated on this site. Retreats and special meetings may be added when needed. Agenda packets are usually posted the Thursday before the meeting, but may be delayed until Friday if time-sensitive information needs to be added. 

*June 18 Special Meeting will start at 6:30 pm to accommodate a board member’s work conflict.


District Policy and Procedures

101 – ByLaws (Updated 01-23-2024)
201 – Mission, Vision, Core Values and Cultural Values (Updated 07-21-2020)
205 – Purpose, Definitions and General Provisions
220 – Board and Administration (Updated 02-28-2023)
225 – Board Vacancy Process (Updated 04-18-2024)

230 – Signature Authority
240 – Public Records Disclosure
250 – Social Media & Imagery
260 – ADA Accommodations
270 – Technology Usage Policy
272 – Telecommuting
275 – Text Messaging
276 – Organizational Effectiveness
310 – Operating Hours and Holiday Closure
312 –  Commercial Use of District Facilities
315 – Facility Rental
320 –  Admissions and Refunds (Updated 01-17-2023)
325 –  Swim and Instruction Classes
330 –  Gender Equity
335 –  Head Injury and Concussions
340 – Financial Aid -Scholarship (Updated 01-17-2023)
350 – Facility Use Rules
353 –  Transgender Policy
355 –  Sex Offender Policy
365 –  Medical Assistance for Patrons
370 –  Service Animals
392 – Crisis Management Communication Plan
422 – District Manager Position
415 – Legal Officer
430 – Criminal Background Checks
460 – Employee Volunteer Recognition
505 – District Treasurer
514 – Debt Collections (New, 03-15-2022)
520 – Procurement
525 – Accounts Receivable
527 – Use of Electronic Signatures
530 – Accounts Payable
535 – Cash and Deposit Management
550 – Travel and Reimbursements
555 – Capital Assets (Updated 04-20-2021)
560 – Small and Attractive Assets
Employee Handbook (Updated 10-15-19)

Budget and Finance

District Annual Reports

The Des Moines Pool Metropolitan Park District Annual Report is prepared to provide you, the interested resident, a review of the past year. This report is required by the state to be completed at least 150 days by the end of the year (RW 43.09.220) If you have any questions regarding the information within these reports, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the District Clerk at (206) 429-3852.

District Annual Reports

ILADistrict Annual Budgets

Washington State Auditor Reports

By legislation, the Des Moines Pool Metropolitan Park District must have an audit at least every two years by the Washington State Auditors Office (WSAO).  The WSAO does our audit on-site every three years. Special The WSAO elected to do a 4-year audit for 2012-2015 due to the timing of the audit.

Certification of Levies

The Des Moines Pool Metropolitan Park District receives financing each year from a Metropolitan Park District levy on real and personal property, which was voter-approved on November 3, 2009, when the District was established. Each year, the amount of the financing changes due to the changes in property values in the district. Below, you can look at each year’s levy certification, and the amount of financing the District will receive.

Board Resolutions


    Board Resolution (Archive)

    • Click here to view Board Resolutions from previous years.

    Past Agendas and Minutes (Archive)

    • Click here to view Board Agendas and Minutes from previous years.